Memorial Day: Honoring Those Who Gave Their Life


Memorial Day is a day in which we honor and remember those who died in active military service. I am grateful to all military servicemen and servicewomen, because, without their service, many of the freedoms we enjoy today would not be possible.

I thank my grandfather, Ben Thomas Cole Sr., who fought in WWII, as a member of the United States Army. My grandfather not only fought in the war, but he was also wounded in battle.

Ben Thomas COle Sr.

I remember riding in the car with my grandfather on our way to the barbershop some 30 years ago (It wasn’t your traditional barbershop); It was a family friend’s home, a retired barber, named Palmer Givhan. I looked forward to getting my haircut by Mr. Givhan. He always had some good stories to tell while giving me a trim.

But on this particular day, it wasn’t Mr. Givhan who intrigued my interest with stories. It was my grandfather. My grandfather told me about how he served his country and how good we all have it here in the United States. Thanks to men like my grandfather, we still do have it good here in the United States, the best country in the world, the land of opportunity, the home of the brave.


But as I reflected on the time I spent with my grandfather this morning, I was reminded of the one person who not only served but also gave His life for EVERYONE: Jesus.

Mark 10:45 says, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Oh, what a man, a man who has two natures: divine and human nature, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Jesus provided the perfect model for us all….and that’s to be of service to others. He believed in his mission of service so much that He gave His life for us, making it possible for us to enjoy eternal life with Him in paradise.

And so on this Memorial Day, I salute the servicemen and servicewomen who gave their life for our freedom.

In that same vein, I invite anyone who has not given their life over to Christ, to read Romans Chapter 10:9, which says, “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” That my friend is the ultimate freedom.

May God bless you on this Memorial Day.